
Summer Programs - General

Page history last edited by Shelley 1 month, 1 week ago

Summer Programs - General


(Scroll down for a listing of US-based programs by state.)


See also our more targeted lists of programs for

under-represented and/or minority students

studying abroad

adventure-wilderness discovery

architecture +/or engineering 



environmental science & sustainability 

language-intensive programs 


math and computer science 

students interested in sports-related fields 

pre-med students 

theatrical training

visual arts



We are also in the process of collecting information on low or no-fee programs as well as programs for middle school students.


Search engines or sites that are specific to summer programs: 


One of our favorite tools for summer program research is herehttps://www.summerstudyinusa.org

This searchable database is co-sponsored by the Association of University Summer Sessions (AUSS) and the North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS)


Allen's Guide: http://www.allensguide.com/


ACA (American Collegiate Adventures) - multi-site, multi-focus: http://www.acasummer.com


Envisions' various programs are detailed & searchable here: http://www.envisionexperience.com/explore-our-programs


RIT's list of summer opportunities (many of them PAID) for HS students can be accessed here:



Shaun McElroy - aka "International Counselor" - updates his Summer Omnibus annually


Summer Discovery:  summerdiscovery.com


Summer Institute for the Gifted (multiple campuses):  http://www.giftedstudy.com/


A list of summer programs with a focus on science and/or engineering, compiled by MIT:



Teen Life's Directory: https://www.teenlife.com


Specific programs

(Know of  a school that has robust and general residential summer program offerings?  If you've got editing privileges, add in the state abbreviation if need be and put in the link to the program's home page! For information about becoming a contributor to this site, please see our Contributors' Notes.)




The University of Alabama's K-12 Summer Program offerings are detailed here:  http://k12summer.ua.edu/




Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA)

The Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA) provides an opportunity for students in grades 8-12 to experience life on the UAF campus and receive hands-on instruction from university faculty, staff, and industry professionals. Students can explore one of fifteen different fields, such as marine biology, biomedicine, forensics, robotics, and podcasting. There is no homework or testing.

ASRA students have the option to enroll in the full residential program or participate as a commuter (day camp) student. All students receive a college credit on completion. ASRA is offered by the College of Natural Science and Mathematics in cooperation with other units throughout UAF.

For more information please visit the ASRA website: http://www.uaf.edu/asra/




Arizona State -  Journalism: http://cronkite.asu.edu/beyond/hs_inst.php and Design: http://design.asu.edu/hsworkshops/sdw.shtml






California College of the Arts - http://www.cca.edu/academics/precollege/classes


Loyola Marymount University (LMU) Summer Programs offers exciting two-week collegiate experiences for talented and motivated high school students. For more information on the multiple course offerings, tuition and fees, and application requirements, please visit http://summer.lmu.edu.


University of California, Berkeleyhttp://summer.berkeley.edu/


UCSB - http://www.summer.ucsb.edu/precollegeprograms/index.html


UCSC - http://summer.ucsc.edu/ 


USC - http://summer.usc.edu/ 


The Webb Schools - http://www.webb.org/summer/index.aspx


Stanford's Pre-Collegiate Studies - https://spcs.stanford.edu/


Stanford Summer Humanities Institute (some need-based scholarships available)







UConn's Summer Session: https://summersession.uconn.edu


Yale's Young Global Scholars program:: http://globalscholars.yale.edu/




University of Delaware's Summer Program:   http://summercollege.honors.udel.edu/index.html




American University's Summer Program:  http://www.summer.american.edu/

See also http://www.american.edu/sis/precollege/

The Young Woman's Political Leadership Program (also at American) has a website here: 



Georgetown's Summer Program info: http://summer.georgetown.edu/hoyas


The George Washington University: http://precollege.gwu.edu/


Trinity's specialized Summer Seminar in Intelligence (aka "Spy Camp") http://www.trinitydc.edu/programs/intel_center/Summer_Seminar.html




University of Miami's Summer Scholar program is a three-week, residential program with multiple different course offerings. The application includes essays, a teacher recommendation, and official transcripts. http://www.miami.edu/summerscholar




The CDC hosts Disease Detective Camp (a day camp): http://www.cdc.gov/museum/camp/detective




Outreach College (University of Hawaii @ Manoa) http://www.outreach.hawaii.edu/summerscholar/default.asp




The University of Iowa has extensive summer offerings for students:  http://www.continuetolearn.uiowa.edu/ccp/summer/summer_youth_programs.htm





Loyola University Chicago's Summer Scholars website is here: http://www.luc.edu/summerscholars


Northwestern's College Preparation Program/Courses website is here: http://www.northwestern.edu/collegeprep


The University of Chicago's Summer Session for high school students is here: https://summer.uchicago.edu/highschool/insight




Johns Hopkins' summer program website is here:  http://www.jhu.edu/summer/


The University of Maryland's Young Scholars program info is here:  http://www.summer.umd.edu/s/ysp/




Putney Travel's Pre-College at Amherst program: https://goputney.com/programs/amherst-college/


Baypath College's Summer School information is here:



Boston College's Experience for High School Students site is here: http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/schools/summer/bce/courses.html


Boston University's Summer Term website is here:  http://www.bu.edu/summer/

And their summer programs specifically for high school students are here: http://www.bu.edu/summer/high-school-programs/

Boston University's Academy of Media Production is here: http://www.bu.edu/com/itrp/

Also affiliated with BU is the New England Center for Investigative Reporting's summer program for high school students:



Emerson's programs in communication, theater, creative writing, journalism:  http://www.emerson.edu/ce/programs/Summer-Arts-Communication-Academy.cfm


Harvard University's Secondary School Summer website is here:  http://www.summer.harvard.edu/


Northeastern's page on Summer Programs for High School Students is here:



Stonehill College Summer Programs: http://www.stonehill.edu/precollege


Tufts University's Summer Session website:  go.tufts.edu/summer


Wheaton College's Summer College for HS students: http://wheatoncollege.edu/summer-college


Worcester Polytechnic Institute's summer overnight programs: http://www.wpi.edu/academics/k12/overnight.html




Michigan State Gifted & Talented summer programs: https://gifted.msu.edu/programs/summer-programs




Carleton College offers multiple residential summer programs (focusing on writing, language and global issues, science, computer science, quantitative reasoning, humanities, or liberal arts) with both merit- and need-based scholarships available. For full details, see http://apps.carleton.edu/summer




Duke's Summer Session information is here:  http://summersession.duke.edu/http://summersession.duke.edu/high-school-students


Learn about North Carolina State's extensive offerings here: http://www.fis.ncsu.edu/coop_ed/precollege/highschool.html








Centenary Summer Scholars Programs (8th-11th):  http://www.centenarysummerscholars.org/

Majors include, Computer Programming & Design, Fashion, Sustainability, Psychology, Television Production, Writing, Vet. Science


Drew University Summer Programs:  https://drew.edu/academic/continuing-education-non-degree-programs/summer-programs


Robert Wood Johnson's "Summer Science Scholars" info is here: http://www2.umdnj.edu/osaaweb/education_programs/ed02_sep.htm


Rutgers Prep's Summer Programs info is here: http://rutgersprep.org/index.php/campus/summer-program


Rutgers University's Summer Session info is here: http://summersession.rutgers.edu/


Stevens Institute of Technology summer pre-college programs (Engineering, Science, Computer Science, Business, Multimedia Production, & Pre-Med):



The College of New Jersey offers Pre-College Summer Programs as well as extensive Course Offerings for High School Students: http://precollege.pages.tcnj.edu/,  http://intersession.pages.tcnj.edu/






Alfred University's Summer Programs info is here:  http://www.alfred.edu/summer/


Barnard College's Pre-College Programs: http://www.barnard.edu/summer


CUNY's FREE "College Now" summer program: http://collegenow.cuny.edu/summer-programs-list/


Clarkson's Young Scholars Program info is here: www.clarkson.edu/youngscholars/index.html


Columbia University has summer programs designed for high school students; that website is here:  http://www.ce.columbia.edu/hs/index.cfm


Cornell has an extensive Summer College for High School students program, detailed here:  http://www.sce.cornell.edu/sc/index.php


Cornell also hosts the Telluride Association programs, detailed here: http://www.sce.cornell.edu/ss/courses/on/special/telluride.php


Ithaca College's Summer Programs are detailed here:  http://www.ithaca.edu/summercollege/


Marist's Summer Institutes website is here:  http://www.marist.edu/summerinstitutes


Marymount Manhattan Summer programs site is here: https://www.mmm.edu/academics/auxiliary-education/


NYC Summer Youth Employment Program: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dycd/html/jobs/syep.shtml


NYTedu: https://nytedu.com/pre-collegiate/


NYU's Pre-College program info is here:  http://www.scps.nyu.edu/sumcamp

NYU (Steinhardt) - http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/summer/

NYU (Tisch) - http://specialprograms.tisch.nyu.edu/page/hsstudents.html


NYUPoly - http://www.poly.edu/highschoolsummer


Long Island University - Post - http://liu.edu/CWPost/SHI


RIT's College and Careers Summer programs are detailed here: http://www.rit.edu/emcs/admissions/careers


RPI's Summer Programs site is here:  http://www.rpi.edu/summer


University of Rochester: https://enrollment.rochester.edu/precollege/courses/


Sarah Lawrence College has summer programs in multiple disciplines: http://www.slc.edu/ce/pre-college/summer


Syracuse University's summer offerings: http://studentsupport.syr.edu/


Wagner College's Pre-College Program: http://wagner.edu/community/youth-programs/pre-college


SUNY Programs



Miami University-Summer Scholars Program-academic areas and introduction to college life:




University of Oregon - https://admissions.uoregon.edu/prebaccalaureate-and-duck-link-programs




Bryn Mawr College has programs for young women that focus on writing, science, or the college admissions process:  http://www.brynmawr.edu/summerprograms/


Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Program (some financial aid may be available) has a website here:  http://www.cmu.edu/summer/pre-college/index.html


Gettysburg has summer programs specifically designed for

Students exploring Psychology http://www.gettysburg.edu/camppsych/,

Government Leadership Camp: http://www.eisenhowerinstitute.org/programs/american-government-leadership-camp/

Writing Camp: http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/english/writing-camp/index.dot

3-D Object Modeling & Printing: http://www.gettysburg.edu/about/offices/it/summercamp/


Indiana University of Pennsylvania's Summer Honors Program

Discipline-specific coursework in a variety of subjects, some scholarship assistance available, see website, email or call 1-800-487-9122 with questions.


Lebanon Valley College has a Youth Scholars Institute; see info here:  http://www.lvc.edu/ce/youth-scholars/about.aspx?bhiw=1215


Mercersburg Academy's Summer Programs site is here: http://www.mercersburgsummer.com/page


Penn State's Summer Study program is extensive; information is here:  http://www.summerstudy.com/pennstate/index.cfm


Summer Owl Leadership Experience: http://www.temple.edu/summer/leadership/program/index.html

Includes academic programs in Business, Media and Communications, Health Professions and Science and Technology


Susquehanna offers summer programs in writing, entrepreneurship, stream ecology, wind ensemble, and choir; details here: http://www.susqu.edu/about-su/in-the-community/summer-high-school-programs


UPenn's programs for high school students are here: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/summer/programs/highschool




Brown University's Pre-College program is detailed here:  http://www.brown.edu/Administration/Continuing_Studies/


Roger Williams' Marine Biology Camp is described here: http://departments.rwu.edu/biology/camp.html


The University of Rhode Island has extensive summer offerings:  http://www.uri.edu/summer/index.html




Vanderbilt University has general summer offerings available under the name "Vanderbilt Summer Academy" - http://pty.vanderbilt.edu/vsa/


Vanderbilt University's PAVE program, celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2010, is a summer pre-college program designed to strengthen the academic skills of students who are planning to enter a college engineering, pre-medical, science, or technology program, and ease the transition from high school to college. PAVE is open to high school students who have completed their junior or senior year of HS: https://pave.vanderbilt.edu/ayindex.php




Trinity University runs a program called "A Trinity Summer" ... details here:  http://www.trinity.edu/departments/academic_affairs/ATS/index.htm


The University of Dallas' programs (some in TX, some abroad) are highlighted here:  http://www.udallas.edu/summer/index.cfm


Southern Methodist University's programs: http://smu.edu/education/youth/collegeexperience/default.asp




Sterling College has a summer program in sustainable agriculture:  http://www.sterlingcollege.edu/AD.summerfarm.html


Kids Summer Culinary Camp of Vermont http://www.kidssummercampforcooking.com/


University of Vermont's Summer Academy: http://www.uvm.edu/~summer/precollege/summer-academy/




UVA's Summer Program website is here:  http://www.virginia.edu/summer/


Four Star Camps (also at UVA)


Washington and Lee's Summer Scholars program has a website here:  http://www1.wlu.edu/x4306.xml




Experience America: http://www.expamerica.net/




University of Wisconsin System Pre-college searchable directory: https://precollege.wisc.edu


Info about Northland University's Summer Programs is here:  http://www.northland.edu/Northland/Academics/SummerPrograms/



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