
Summer Math Programs and Camps for High School Students and Teenagers (redirected from Summer Programs - Math Computer Science)

Page history last edited by Shelley 2 years, 10 months ago

Summer Programs - Math and/or Computer Science


Math Camps


A-Star Summer Math Camp - https://alphastar.academy/


Arizona State University Math and Science Summer Honors Program for High School Students 
ASU Math and Science Summer Program


Awesome Math runs for 3 weeks in July at UT-Dallas; its campers are ages 12-18.  You can learn more at http://www.awesomemath.org


Boston Leadership Institute Sports Statistics Summer Program: Sports Statistics 


Carnegie Mellon Summer Summer Academy for Math & Science for Rising High School Seniors 
Carnegie Mellon Math Summer Academy


Mathcamp - http://www.mathcamp.org


Hampshire College (HS students) - http://www.hcssim.org


Curie Academy (at Cornell University)-The CURIE Academy is a one-week summer residential program for high school girls who excel in math and science. The focus is on juniors and seniors who may not have had prior opportunities to explore engineering, but want to learn more about the many opportunities in engineering in an interactive atmosphere. https://sites.coecis.cornell.edu/curieacademy


University of Florida-Student Science Training Program-The SSTP is a seven week residential research program for selected rising juniors and seniors who are considering medicine, math, computer, science, or engineering careers. The program emphasis is research participation with a UF faculty research scientist and his or her research team.



Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth - http://cty.jhu.edu/summer/catalogs/os/oscatalog.html


MathILy - http://mathily.org (at Bryn Mawr, in PA) - "MathILy is an intensive residential summer program for mathematically excellent secondary students."


MathILy-Er - http://www.mathily.org/mathilyer/index.html (at Willamette, in OR) - "MathILy-Er is similar to MathILy, but is adapted for students who are slightly earlier in their chronology or mathematical development."


MathPath (Mt. Holyoke College, MA) - (for middle school students) MathPath sometimes offers a two-week option, although most students seem to prefer to do the full four weeks. You can read more at http://www.mathpath.org "Why should you consider a summer math camp, in particular, us? Because you will have so much fun! Fun because you will be with your tribe. Fun because of the math. Fun because of the leisure activities."


University of Michigan Math and Science Scholars Summer Program for High School Students 
Michigan Math and Science Program


Morgan State Summer Academy of Actuarial and Mathematical Sciences for High School Students 
SAAMS at Morgan State


NASA SHARP (summer apprenticeships for high school students 16 yrs and older, 8 schools nation-wide) http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/9-12/learning/NASA_SHARP.html (< link is dead, but NASA's online organizational system is so byzantine that we haven't been able to figure out if there's a new working link!)


NJIT (NJ)- Pre-college programs, designed to encourage and prepare students entering grades 5-12 to succeed int eh fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. http://www5.njit.edu/precollege/studentprograms/summer_programs.php


The Ohio State University Ross Summer Mathematics Program for High School Students 
OSU Ross Mathematics Program


Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) (grades 9-12) - http://www.promys.org (Held on the campus of Boston University)


Stanford University Mathematics Camp  (SUMaC)  - https://spcs.stanford.edu/


Star League (multiple CA locations) - https://starleague.us


Stony Brook Summer Mathematics Program for High Students (rising juniors and seniors) 
Stony Brook Math Program


Texas A&M Summer Camp for High School Students 
Texas A & M Summer Math Camp


Texas Mathworks Honors Summer Math Camp  - http://mathworks.txstate.edu/student/HSMC/description.htm


Texas State University Summer Math Camps for High School School, Middle School, and Elementary Students 
Texas State Summer Math Programs


University of Michigan Math and Science Scholars High School Summer Program - http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/mms


Williams College - Math Camp (WCMC) - http://sites.williams.edu/mathcamp/http://sites.williams.edu/mathcamp/for-students/

The camp is typically in July, applications are due in April, and admissions is competitive.

Free, 9-day residential math camp for about 20 mathematically gifted high school students who have completed or are currently enrolled in Algebra 2 or its equivalent. Students will be exposed to several different areas of mathematics through colloquia and other activities.  Focus will be Number Theory & The Art of Mathematical Thinking.  Explore the theory of numbers: asking thoughtful questions, working out examples, looking for patterns, making conjectures, and finally, proving their results.


WCMC is funded by the American Mathematical Society, Carlow & Zepka Construction, and Williams College.


William and Mary - http://cfge.wm.edu/sep.htm (mostly for VA residents)


University of Utah Summer Math Programs for High School Students:



UVA - http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=713&Itemid=67/index/home.html


Computer Camps


Arizona State University Summer Institute- Computer science and computer systems engineering camp-  https://eoss.asu.edu/summerenrichment 


A-Star Summer Computer Science Camp - https://alphastar.academy/ (at Mission College in Santa Clara; day camp only)


Boston Leadership Institute (MA) - http://bostonleadershipinstitute.com


Cybercamps (Seattle, WA)  - http://www.cybercamps.com


Education Unlimited-Computer (Berkeley, CA) - http://www.educationunlimited.com


Experience America's Gaming Camp (WA) - http://www.expamerica.net/summer/game/


University of Florida-Student Science Training Program-The SSTP is a seven week residential research program for selected rising juniors and seniors who are considering medicine, math, computer, science, or engineering careers. The program emphasis is research participation with a UF faculty research scientist and his or her research team.



iD Tech Camps (Campbell, CA) - http://www.internaldrive.com


Michigan State's MI St-MST (East Lansing, MI) - http://www.msu.edu/~gifted


Mt. Holyoke's Summermath (South Hadley, MA) (girls only) - http://www.mtholyoke.edu/proj/summermath


National Computer Camp (Orange, CT) - http://www.nccamp.com


PACT-Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking-http://algorithmicthinking.org/registration/

The program typically runs for the month of July (dates may change slightly) on the Princeton University campus. Meetings will take place each weekday during this period from 9:30am-4:30pm, except on nationally observed holidays.


University of Colorado, Boulder- High School Honors Institute, HS juniors & seniors interested in engineering, computer science, or applied math & physics- http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/k-12/high-school


U of IL-Girls' Math Camp - http://www.engr.uiuc.edu/wie/games 


Catholic U-Engineering - https://engineering.catholic.edu/student-experience/Engineering%20New%20Frontiers%20Summer%20Program/index.html    




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