
Summer Programs - Theatrical Training

Page history last edited by Shelley 4 years, 1 month ago

Summer Programs - Theatrical Training 


Summer theater scholarships: http://www.actingabroad.com/scholarships.htm


Allegra School of Music and Arts (NJ) - http://allegra.ning.com/

Arts Edge (NYC) - http://www.theartsedge.com/2010/02/the-arts-edge-summer/

Boston University Summer Theater Institute (MA) - http://www.bu.edu/cfa/theatre/sti/

Bucks Rock (CT) -  http://www.bucksrockcamp.com/

California State Summer School for the Arts

California Summer Acting Workshop - http://www.educationunlimited.com/camp/category/9/california-actors-workshop.html

Carnegie Mellon (PA) - http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/pre-college/drama.html

Emma Willard (NY) (girls only) - http://www.emmawillard.org/summer/residential/courses/performingarts.html

Firespark (@ Brenau Univ. in Gainsville, GA) - http://www.firespark.org/

Florida Studio Theatre - (Sarasota, FL) http://www.floridastudiotheatre.org/education.php

Frenchwoods: http://Frenchwood.comSummer Programs - Theatrical Training

Idylwild Arts (aka ISOMATA) (CA) http://www.idyllwildarts.org/

Interlochen Arts Academy - MI - http://www.interlochen.org/camp/

Long Lake Camp (PA) - http://www.longlakecamp.com/ 

Mason Gross (NJ) - http://mgsa.rutgers.edu/Theater/thea_programs.html

Mississippi State University- Summer Scholars Onstage

Muhlenberg College (PA) - http://www.summerbroadway.org/

New York Film Academy (NY)- https://www.nyfa.edu/summer-camps/

NYU (Steinhardt) - http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/summer/

NYU (Tisch) - http://specialprograms.tisch.nyu.edu/page/hsstudents.html

North Carolina School for the Arts - http://www.uncsa.edu/summersession/ 

Putney (VT) - http://www.putneyschoolsummer.org/

Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts - http://www.stagedoor.com

UCLA - http://www.tft.ucla.edu/programs/summer-institute/

US Performing Arts - https://usperformingarts.com

Walnut Hill Summer School Program (MA) - http://www.walnuthillarts.org/summer/index.html 


See also this list of High School Theater online: http://home.onemain.com/~highschooltheatre/


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