
Summer Study - Leadership

Page history last edited by Shelley 2 years, 10 months ago

Summer Study - Leadership


(The preferred format for additions to this list is Subject area: eligibility, town (STATE), website)


Economics for Leaders, current juniors, multiple locations)



Leadership with a focus on social justice and the environment: high school students, online, Foresight Prep Summer Institute (https://www.foresightprep.org)


Leadership: students 16-19 years old, Costa Rica (https://www.uwccostarica.org/en/outreach-program)


Leadership: 9-11th grade, Valley Forge (PA), Service Learning in Public Policy (https://www.freedomsfoundation.org/students/high-school/slipp)


Leadership: girls who have finished 9th or 10th grade, Hyde Park (NY), http://www.ervk.org/glw/

Girl’s Leadership Workshop - The Girl’s Leadership Workshop is an international social justice leadership program for girls at Eleanor Roosevelt’s home in upstate New York.  Drawing on this vision and legacy of Mrs. Roosevelt, the nine-day GLW summers programs are exciting, fun and empowering experiences for girls who are interested in social justice leadership and want to develop friendships with like-minded peers and adult mentors.  Girls in the 9th or 10th grade may apply.  


Leadership, public policy and public service:  Junior Statesman, multiple campuses, https://www.jsa.org/programs/schools-2


Leadership, in support of UN Milennium Development Goals: Youth Assembly at the UN, youth leaders and would-be leaders, ages 16-24, 4 days in NJ and then 3 in NYC at UNHQ, https://faf.org/the-youth-assembly 

Includes renowned speakers and expert workshop facilitators; U.N. Staff participation at sessions; young leaders from around the world; Intergenerational Leadership Exchanges


Leadership & management:  HS sophomores through seniors, multiple campuses, http://www.amanet.org/oe/


Leadership, excellence, accelerating potential: LEAP, high school, college students, recent grads, UCLA, http://www.leapfoundationusa.org/


Leadership: LEAD America, multiple campuses: http://www.lead-america.org/


Leadership & other topics as well, National Student Leadership Conference, multiple locations: https://www.nslcleaders.org


Leadership: Center for Talented Youth (Baltimore and San Francisco): https://cty.jhu.edu/summer


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