
Summer Programs - For Middle School Students

Page history last edited by Shelley 12 months ago

Summer Programs - for middle school students


*In addition to the links below, you may want to check out the Pre-College Programs search engine at https://www.summerstudyinusa.org, and/or teenlife.com's search engine. 


The Davidson Institute's list of residential programs for students may also be of interest: http://www.davidsongifted.org/Search-Database/entry/A10368




Acadia Institute of Oceanography - https://acadiainstitute.com/introductory-marine-science-camp-programhttps://acadiainstitute.com/intermediate-marine-science-camp-program


AwesomeMath - https://www.awesomemath.org


Broadreach - http://www.gobroadreach.com/summer-programs-for-middle-school-students.asp 


Boston Leadership Institute - http://bostonleadershipinstitute.com/index.html


Brown University - https://precollege.brown.edu

(includes programs for rising 9th graders)


Centenary College (Louisiana) - Summer Scholars Program, rising 8th-12th graders- https://apply.centenary.edu/register/summerscholars


Concordia Language Villages - http://www.concordialanguagevillages.org


Cornell University-(Debate Camp)https://alumni.cornell.edu/snack-bar/international-summer-debate-camp-high-school-students/


COSMOS California State Summer School for Math and Science for High School Students and Middle School Students (students completing grades 8-12) 
COSMOS Summer Math


CTY - Center for Talented Youth (Johns Hopkins) - http://cty.jhu.edu/


Cushing Academy (boarding school, MA) - http://www.cushing.org/summer 


Davidson's THINK program (hosted by the University of Nevada - Reno) - http://www.davidsongifted.org/think/


University of Denver’s Center for Innovative and Talented Youth (CITY) - http://www.centerforbrightkids.org/


Duke's Science Sleuths program - http://www.sciencesleuths.duke.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=2 


Duke's Pre-College programs: https://learnmore.duke.edu/precollege/all-programs


Emagination Computer Camps - http://www.computercamps.com/computer/summer_camp.html 


Embry-Riddle Summer Programs (some are for younger students) - http://daytonabeach.erau.edu/degrees/summer-camps/


Emma Williard-GIRLSummer (residential program with several academic options including a Writer's Retreat) -



Envision-- offers the Junior National Youth Leaders Conference: Foundations of Leadership, as well as a STEM-focused program http://www.envisionexperience.com/explore-our-programs?grade=middle+school


The ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp (EMBHSSC) - https://theharrisinstitute.org/embhssc/


EXPLO (learning through exploration, residential college program)- http://www.explo.org


The Experimentory at Deerfield Academy - https://deerfield.edu/summer-programs/experimentory


Global Youth Village - http://www.globalyouthvillage.org/ 


Internal Drive - ID - Tech Camps - http://www.internaldrive.com/


Lawrence Hall of Science (residential programs on UC Davis and UC Berkeley campus) 510-642-2275



Lehigh University (CHOICES program for middle school girls interested in Engineering)http://www.lehigh.edu/~inchoice/index.html



MathZoom (two locations: one east coast, one west coast) - http://www.mathzoom.org/camps/summer-camp 


Marine Science on the Jersey Shore:  https://www.marinesciencecamp.com/


Michigan Tech Summer Programs (some scholarships available) - http://www.syp.mtu.edu/


Middlebury Monterey Language Academy - http://mmla.middlebury.edu/program/ 


National Junior Leaders Conferences - http://www.lead-america.org/conferences/njlc/index.html 


NJIT (NJ)- Pre-college programs, designed to encourage and prepare students entering grades 5-12 to succeed int eh fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. http://www5.njit.edu/precollege/studentprograms/summer_programs.php


New York Film Academy Summer Camps - http://www.nyfa.edu/summer_camp/ 


New York University-(math, science & technology)-



Northwestern's Civic Action Program - http://www.ctd.northwestern.edu/cep/programs/civicaction/


Odyssey Expeditions Tropical Marine Biology Voyages - http://www.odyex.com/ 


Phillips Exeter Academy (boarding school, NH) - http://www.exeter.edu/summer_programs/7324.aspx


University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science-http://www.seas.upenn.edu/awe/gems/index.php 

GEMS (Girls grades 7-9)


Portsmouth Abbey (boarding school, RI) - http://www.portsmouthabbey.org/page/summerprogram 


Purdue's Summer Engineering Workshops (for minority students) - https://engineering.purdue.edu/MEP/Programs/SEW 


Purdue University (IN)- LEAP (women in engineering program) - http://www.purdue.edu/purdue/about/youthPrograms.html 


Raritan Valley Community College-academic and skill building programs -



Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has a Rensselaer Center Initiatives in Pre-College Education for K – 8th graders teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) disciplines, making use of engaging interactive technologies.  https://cipce.rpi.edu/index.html


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Summer Programs accepts rising 9th graders, meaning students who were 8th graders in June, will be 9th graders in September, for its high school enrichment programs which are all non-credit, running for 5 – 20 days, both residential and commuter. welcome to enroll in multiple sessions. Housing between sessions is available upon request. International students may attend. https://summer.rpi.edu


Rutgers University-(academic, arts and athletic camps) - https://em.rutgers.edu/ncp/Default.aspx


Sally Ride Summer Camps (for girls) - http://www.sallyridecamps.com/


School of the Art Institute of Chicago - http://www.saic.edu/cs/msp/


Sea Camp (residential marine science program)- http://www.seacamp.org


SPARK Science Program (Brown University) - http://www.brown.edu/summer

one and two-week inquiry-based, experiential science courses ranging from Astronomy to Zoology including Neuroscience, Medical Science and Engineering


Stanford's Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY)http://epgy.stanford.edu/ 


Stanford National Forensic Institute for Middle School programs - https://snfi.stanford.edu/camp/category/20/middle-school-parliamentary-debate-and-speech-and-public-speaking-at-stanford-california.html


STEPS (Science, Technology & Engineering Preview Summer Camp for Girls - https://www.stthomas.edu/stepscamp/


Storming Robots (NJ) - http://www.stormingrobots.com/prod/summer.html 


Summer Institute for the Gifted, (several choices of college campus and specific admissions requirements) -



SuperCamp Junior Forum - (focus on communication skills, time management & study skills) - https://www.supercamp.com/middle-school/


Texas State University Summer Math Camps Middle School,  Texas State Summer Math Programs


US Naval Academy--Summer STEM Program (one session open to rising 9th graders)- http://www.usna.edu/Admissions/STEM/


University of Michigan- SEA (Summer engineering academy)- http://cedo.engin.umich.edu/summer-engineering-academy/


Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) includes some programs for younger students amongst its offerings: http://www.wpi.edu/academics/k12/overnight.html



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